LP Ariya explained that Phra Setthi Nawagot consists of the 9 rich merchants whom have taken refuge under Lord Buddha. "Setthi" means millionaire in Pali and "Nawagot" means 9 times infinity. During Lord Buddha’s lifetime, these 9 merchants have supported the Buddha’s mission in building the Sangha and spreading the Dhamma. Besides being rich lay supporters, they have also achieved the various stages of sainthood. Thus they can be considered Ariyas or Noble Ones. Inviting and revering them sincerely we hope they can bestow upon us the bountiful merits and wealth that they have accumulated in their previous lifetimes. The 9 of them are:
1. Phra Dhananjaya, who bestows power of superiority in ranks and respect.
2. Phra Yasa, whom bestows success in our undertakings.
Also bestows unity of the hearts and minds of people around us.
3. Phra Sumana, who bestows intelligence.
4. Phra Jati Kassa, who bestows prosperity in property and luck.
5. Phra Anathapindika, who bestows good progress in life.
6. Phra Menda Kassa, who bestows prosperity in wealth and luck.
7. Phra Jotika, who bestows Metta and attractiveness.
8. Phra Sumangala, who bestows a steady and peaceful life.
9. Phra Upasika Visakha, bestows promotions in office and progress.
3. Phra Sumana, who bestows intelligence.
4. Phra Jati Kassa, who bestows prosperity in property and luck.
5. Phra Anathapindika, who bestows good progress in life.
6. Phra Menda Kassa, who bestows prosperity in wealth and luck.
7. Phra Jotika, who bestows Metta and attractiveness.
8. Phra Sumangala, who bestows a steady and peaceful life.
9. Phra Upasika Visakha, bestows promotions in office and progress.
And the Phra Setthi Nawagot Heart Katha is:
U A Ka Sa
A Ka Sa U
Ka Sa U A
Sa U A Ka
Na Cha Li Ti (9x or 108x).
May you all benefit from the veneration of this 9-face Buddha, sadhu.