The late LP Thammarangsi is another very famous master in Surin famous for his Metta magic. He specialized in making lockets and takruts. But before we went to Wat Khao Panom Din, we went to visit LP Jai, who was LP Thammarangsi's senior disciple. The reason was he was the only one who kept LP Thammarangsi's old amulets - there were none left at the temple. Above we see LP Jai's small kuti in the middle of a padi field in Ban Pong village. There were many flies and ants around, and LP is trying to gather funds to build a temple here for the benefit of the villagers.

After chowing amulets and receiving a long blessing from LP Jai, we took a photo with him. I could feel LP is a very sincere and compassionate monk.

Arriving at Wat Phra Puttabat or Wat Khao Panom Din. It was some distance away from Ban Pong village.

The long sheltered walkway leading to the temple.

A Phra Ruang statue outside still under construction.

The main altar inside the LP Thammarangsi Vihara.

Paying respect to LP Thammarangsi's undecaying body, which was inside a glass room.

LP Thammarangsi's portrait.
His Metta katha:
Namo Tassa (3x)
Na Metta Mo Metta Put Metta Tha Metta Ya Metta
Sappechana Pahuchana Metta Ehi Ehi Mak Mak. (5x)

A Burmese Jade Buddha on another side of the Vihara.

The Sala with various murals.

The Shrine Room with the Buddha's Footprint (Phra Puttabat).

The bell and drum tower.

The Ubosot.

The beautiful marble Chedi.

The Buddha statues inside the Ubosot.

LP Thammarangsi's old Khun Paen amulet.

His famous 3.6" big takrut.