Monday, August 02, 2010

The Blood Consecration of LP Samchai

Recently we visited a up and coming Wicha master, LP Samchai of Wat Dongradee, Ang Thong to chow his amulets and Lersi buchas. His temple was not really a temple, but a small shrine and kuti in a rice field. So LP was in need of funds to build up his temple. On conversing with him, I learned that he was of Chinese Teochew descent and could speak the dialect. He told me in Teochew some story of a Bangkok guy wearing his takrut escaping from a gang attack unhurt. So after chowing the amulets and the Phra Lersi Prom bucha (above left), I asked LP to rebless the bucha for me. Never did we expect him to show us his power by using his own blood to do the consecration!

An extract video of the blood consecration.
The rest of the consecration pics. At the end of the ceremony, LP gave each of us free tiger rians, but our driver was too shocked to take his.. so I ended up with 2 rians on top of what I already chowed. I've seen a lot in Thai Buddhism, but it was also the first time for me witnessing this kind of ceremony up close. I was filled with a mixture of shock as well as awe for this master.
The blood and wax stained Phra Lersi Prom 5" bucha.


Anonymous said...


George Ingraham said...

What is on the head of the Pra Ruesi head..

Is it some kind of hat, and are they ever used as an incense holder/burner ?

What is the name for it ?

Thank you :)