LP Krai is actually a fellow disciple of LP Tuad as both learned under the same teacher at Wat Pako, Songkhla. When LP Tuad went to Ayuttaya to further his studies in Buddhism, LP Krai went to Yala to continue his meditation. It is said he attained a very high state when cultivating there. That's when he started to use his psychic powers to help people. LP Krai went to the hilly & forested area of Yala and subdued all the fierce beasts there, especially the tigers and cobras with his psychic power. That's why we see LP Krai sitting on a tiger and 2 cobras. The villagers there were able to live safely without being harmed by any beasts. In memory of the virtues of the master they built a temple to honour him, which is the Wat Lam Phaya of today.

There were a lot of miraculous stories of LP Krai, who became the faith of the villagers as they passed down for centuries. Legend has it that when LP Krai was alive, his hair was able to turn into copper by itself and so if he wanted to shave his hair, a rite must be performed first before others can proceed. On June 5 BE2505 (1962) LP Krai's ashes was invited to be place in Wat Lam Phaya. When digging the burial ground it was found that when the urn was tapped the ashes within will produce a loud metallic sound. Whereas the wood in the vicinity within a radius of 20 metres from the burial ground produced a fragrance as well as miraculous healing properties. It had the efficacy to heal the sickness of the faithful devotees. When the ashes of LP had already been invited and placed inside the temple, LP's images was produced and LP's spirit was invited to reside within the images.When Ajarn Tim Wat Chang Hai saw the images he remarked that it were just like what he saw in his meditation. The amulets of LP Krai were produced in BE2505 (1962) with sedges, containing altogether 3 pims which were small, medium and large.

The first LP Krai amulets of Wat Lam Phaya were created in 2505, and subsequently in 06 & 07. At that time, both Ajarn Tim & Ajarn Nong were invited to Wat Lam Phaya to consecrate the LP Krai amulets. Materials used were the Wan used to make LP Tuad at Wat Changhai in 2505. Various Rians were also made at that time. Because LP Tuad & LP Krai are closely related, AJ Tim had no problems inviting the both of them to come and bless the amulets during the "Puttaphisek" ceremony.

The 2506 and 2507 amulets I obtained from Wat Lam Phaya were blessed by AJ Tim as well as many guru monks of Pattani and Yala at that time.
LP Krai Katha:
Namo Tassa (3x)
Chant Buddhaguna, Dhammaguna & Sanghaguna (3x)
Buddhang Nakak Phayakkang Heum Ham Itinamo Sugato Buddhang Attho. (3x)
After chanting the above you can pray to LP Krai to help you.
Dear Wayne, I am susan from chineseye.com. i have reposted a blog about China by you after get your permission. This is the link: http://www.chineseye.com/user/blog/userid/2300/blogid/643. Please feel free to let me know your ideas.
My Email: susandtao@gmail.com
Very good, thks.
hi, may i know Wat Lamphaya is in which province of Thailand?
Yala province.
hi wayne, l p krai's temple in yala - which tambon and amphur please?
is it safe to go as we hear so many mindless killings there.
when u go there what kind of transportation did u take?
because even local thais avoid
yala and pattani.....
any info is greatly appreciated.
The temple is inside Yala town. It's relatively safe in the day. I hired a driver from Hatyai to take me there.
khorb khun, wayne. how much did u pay the driver? is it a van or a taxi? because last time we were in hatyai the driver said he would not drive there.
anyway, thanks. would u like to join us for dana in myanmar? we go there for kathina as we are main sponsors for a meditation centre and we also go to mandalay, pyin oo lwin, bagan (if enough time).
3 to 10 october.
but there are no sampohs/amulets there like in thailand, it is mostly a charity trip to help the poor.
Some drivers will go, some who are afraid will not. I spend ard 2,400 baht to hire my driver to take me on a day trip to temples in Yala and Pattani.
I think Burma is famous for Jade Buddhas but not amulets. Yes I'd love to join your for a Dana trip there if time permits. Perhaps we shld meet up at the Burmese Temple at Ah Hood Rd to further discuss this. Contact me at 94594897.
hi wayne
i am in penang
re burma...
pls give me yr normal email
so i dont hv to come to yr blog
to contact u.
my email is sambodhi@pd.jaring.my
or sambodhi@streamyx.com.
pls email me asap because our trip is from 1 to 3 october.
and i am going to get quotation from my tour agent by end of the week already.
Do you have anymore Luang Phor Krai Amulets ??
I m mr ng from malaysia, happy to get true your page. I m. Not so good in computers . How to get in touch with you in a easier way
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