Clip of the majestic pavilions in the courtyard of the Nezha Temple in Chonburi. This must be one of the grandest Chinese temples in Thailand and Southeast Asia.
Clip of the main hall inside the Nezha temple.

This Blog discusses the truth of the Buddha's teachings to be found in everyday life here in Singapore and anywhere else. The practice of the Dhamma is not something far away, but begins right here. To learn more abt Buddhism, visit my online temple at To see my collection of Thai and Chinese Buddhist amulets and images go to
Beneath those colorful surfaces of the temple's walls are just cements, wood, stones, ... earthen stuffs, whereas hundreds of millions of people in China, India, Tibet, Africa and around the worlds have next to nothing to eat!
Where is our conscience?
Where is our compassion?
Where is our loving kindness?
Buddhas and Bodisattvas do not reside in these temples? What for?
Don't they know that offering just a piece of bread to the hunger can earn them immense merit?
The whole world will be burned down by this immense ignorant and arrogance?
Well, that is the way of Samsara!
Just try to remind!
In this world there will always be inequality btw rich & poor, as each being enjoys or suffers in accordance to the karma that they have previously accumulated. I'm sure rich temples such as these do their fair share of charity & social work for the good of the community.
May I ask: who is Nezha, and why are Mahayana monks worshipping him?
Nezha is a popular Chinese god.
The monks are not "worshipping" Nezha, they're just chanting Sutras there for those devotees.
The patronage of Nrezha orgianed from the hindu mythology of Naladabuera conquest of the sa naga dragon mnonaster kaliya which was introduced into china that accompained the spread of Mahnayna buddhsim in the Tang dynasty . This chinese legand of nezha predates to the conquest of the last tyrannical shang ruler bu Chiang tzi ya with the help of Nezha to overthrow the Shanf and establsihed the zhou dynasty . Chiang zi ya then became cannoise as a white tiger star spirit chinese astrolgy and occultic magical arts and this was almaged withthe Buddhsit epic of Neha as the avatar son of Visana tower lifting god-king which came into Chinese hsitoiry and hokien folklore.
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